Unilever, Hubbub and WRAP launch anti-food waste plan

UNILEVER-JOINT-AMBITION_tcm1252-484751_w400Unilever is working with its charitable partner Hubbub and industry partners to lead a UK wide movement helping people to value food and reduce food waste.

The official publication, ‘A Joint Ambition for a Zero Food Waste Britain’, outlines five key focus areas that the initiative believes will tackle the issue of food waste and encourage more sustainable lifestyles. It has been created in consultation with 240 businesses and considers the views of the UK public through polling a sample of more than 2,000 householders.

“We see our Joint Ambition as a catalyst to addressing the issue of food waste. To turn our Joint Ambition into reality we will strive to:

  1. Identify further evidence of the benefits to the UK economy in tackling food waste
  2. Secure further support from a diverse range of organisations and people. 3. Support a range of initiatives which will help households in reducing their food waste.
  3. Engage with government, exploring the role they can play to support implementation.”

“The UK produces 10 million tonnes of food waste annually, of which 7 million tonnes comes from households. Solutions must range from helping households reduce the 4.2 million tonnes of avoidable waste, through to creating a more coherent national infrastructure to handle the 1.6 million tonnes of unavoidable food waste created each year.”

Click here to download Food Waste Plan