Growth in UK energy drinks market


euromonitor_LogoMarket research agency Euromonitor has released a soft drinks report, looking at the latest market trends and sources of future market growth for the Energy Drinks industry in United Kingdom.

According to the report, energy drinks has managed to continue to grow despite an increasingly hostile environment for sugary drinks. “On top of having a high sugar content, energy drinks also have a high caffeine content. New legislation requires energy drinks with a caffeine content of above 150mg per litre to be labelled with a warning message stating, ‘High caffeine content. Not recommended for children or pregnant or breast-feeding women.’”

The report continues: “Health organisations are calling for a sugar tax, and are especially blaming energy drinks for the growing obesity problem in the UK. Their argument is that energy drinks deliberately target children and teenagers, and are one of the causes of childhood obesity in the country. In the face of such adversity, energy drinks managed to grow because its primary target audience is less likely to be swayed by health concerns. The typical consumer of energy drinks is actively seeking a sudden boost of energy, and deliberately chooses to purchase an energy drink for this effect.”