Green Momentum

A study published by Siemens Financial Services (SFS) shows that nearly three in every four firms in the UK (71.5%) have invested in energy-saving equipment, ranging from ‘greener’ office facilities, technology and vehicles to manufacturing or medical equipment. Furthermore, over a half (54.9%) have acquired equipment with a reduced carbon footprint.

The study shows that green targets and business rules are becoming established within the private sector, but it questions whether environmentally-friendly investment will lose momentum during the global financial markets crisis. Nearly two-thirds (61.7%) of respondents cite the cost of greener

equipment as their chief obstacle to green procurement policies. In order to overcome the affordability obstacle, it is suggested that asset financing techniques are likely to play a critical part in enabling the transition to a greener business environment, especially in a time of scarce credit.

The SFS paper, entitled “Maintaining the Green Momentum”, is based on a survey of 2750 firms of 50 employees and over, across Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. For buyers and suppliers of green equipment and technology, it gives a valuable insight into the current behaviour and attitudes of businesses in the UK.